Tuesday, September 15, 2009

She May Look Like Me, but can Never be Me

No sisters are likely the same. Anne and her younger sister Venice have several things in common but there are lots of things they differ from and that made them distinct from each other. First, both are smart and honor students in their school but Venice exceeds more in extra curricular activities. Second way in which these two girls are similar is that they are both good looking, but Anne has whiter complexion than her younger sister. Finally the most common thing that makes them distinct from each other is the height, because Venice is blessed with such gift while her older sister Anne is the other way around. They may have several things in common but they can never be the same. Anne and Venice are different from each other thus it makes them unique from one another.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Live Laugh Love

My verve in this erratic world, tags along with three undemanding philosophies. My philosophies succored me in fronting my problems and my struggling days. Three philosophies, plain but grimly challenging to grasp, presided my life: live life to the fullest, love more and laugh often. These philosophies made me up-and-coming that took

me to the height of my dreams.

In life’s journey we should do the best thing that we can. In facing obstacles in school like

projects and examinations don’t just do well, but try the best thing to do. Live life to the fullest as time never comes back. Remorse is always present in life which brings you down. This philosophy, living my life to its fullest, made me sought for love which is highly baffling for me.

I sought for more love because I haven’t cognize it truly. This philosophy made me realize life

that it is never called life without love. Love made me appreciate little things and God’s creations which brought me closer to Him. Love instilled me respect to people particularly to

my parents. This philosophy, love more brought laughter to my life that made me smile through good and bad times.

They say that laughter is the best medicine. I believed this statement is true. In fact I just laugh at my mistakes and don’t bother to panic. Laughter seems to be so easy, but laughing in the midst of crisis, is never painless. Laughter took along friends who cheer me up during my blue days. All these philosophies made me up-and-coming which I am

grateful of.

This is my life that I have lived for. My life is closely similar to others, but can never be idem. The three philosophies that governed my life which amends me are living my life to its fullest, love more and laugh often. These philosophies can wear down abysmal things which could end in adversity in one’s life. My life’s philosophies are merely plain, nonetheless it can alter ones point of view that can brought you to he height of your dreams.

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